Northern Judicial Circuit
Serving Elbert, Franklin, Hart, Madison, and Oglethorpe Counties

I. Accessing Forms
The petitions for a Family Violence Temporary Protective Order or Stalking Temporary Protective Order forms can be accessed on this website. The whole process requires two hearings. The first hearing is the emergency Ex Parte hearing with the Judge only. The initial temporary protective order will be completed at this time and be valid until the second hearing. The second hearing will require the participation of the offender (Respondent). The order resulting from this hearing can be up to 12 months or permanent.
II. Family Violence Temporary Protective Orders
Under the Family Violence Act, relief for victims is available through a Temporary Protective Orders (TPO’s). The following is the process one must walk through when applying for various types of protection.
III. Stalking Protective Orders
The process for obtaining a Stalking Temporary Protective Order is the same as the Family Violence Temporary Protective Orders. The paperwork is a little different, as there is not a relationship qualification as in the Family Violence Temporary Protective Orders. However, stalking elements / behaviors must be documented in the petition.
IV. Process
Step One: Qualification
Step Two: Petition / Application
Step Three: Getting Everything in Order
Step Four: Seeing the Judge
Step Five: Making the Order Official and Having the Respondent Served
Step Six: The Second Hearing